Computer Forensics

Computer Forensics

For detection and attribution of misuse of digital data, adoption of proper forensic procedures is required. In a usual scenario where a malpractice is suspected in the office by an employee using a digital resource like computers/mobiles/pen drives, a manual exploration by an untrained person can tamper with the evidentiary value of the data. A proper forensic process includes imaging of the media through forensically safe methods like Write Blocking, Hashing and proper handling of the suspect media.


We can provide you

  • Advice on the viability of a forensic involvement during the initial stage
  • Forensically safe imaging of data.
  • Detailed analysis of imaged data from disk/mobile or other sources that can reveal many potential evidences otherwise hidden from the normal user like deleted contents, access logs, Meta data information etc.
  • Investigation of suspected malicious activity without a full-fledged forensic imaging.
  • Investigation of online activities.

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